A random Friday gets memorable

A lot has changed since the time we've moved to new office. Fridays tend to get bit desolate as the week prepares for week-end.
Few weeks back I was going nuts with deadlines of performance review. As scheduled I had a call with supervisor which went fine. Tiny tweaks here and there things got streamlined. I was about to wrap up from work then I heard foot steps and few chatters. Upon looking, I see dean of the department with 2 more persons. She knocks on couple of office doors to see anyone is there, but I told her none is around and are working from so and so place. With a bit disappointment she manages to pull herself and talk with other 2 people. Shows the terrace area and was about to leave.

Upon looking closely I realize the person she is with is a billionaire. But to me a billionaire is all fancy person with suit and bells and whistles. This person outrightly dismissed my view of a billionaire. Whilst I'm still in shock billionaire exchanged pleasantries addressing me as a young men. With that for the first time I met a billionaire in my life. After he left I opened my laptop to be sure I met the right person and was not in a dream.

I learned a lot that day, first, to get away with the stereotypes I've in my mind. I blame movies for these stereotypes though.
Second, most importantly how a normal day can get extraordinary. This happened when none was around. I could have whined Fridays are boring and yak-yak, but with those empty Fridays' office came an opportunity to meet a billionaire for which the chances were one in a billion had anyone else be around that day. Since then I am more inclined to embrace whatever it is, be it crowded office or totally empty office for I never know what awaits ahead and something of this sort can etch a golden memory of a lifetime.

PS: 23 Sept 2016 was the day


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