Tale of cities
It's been a while long I've been here. Can't put excuses because they are lame, obviously. Nonetheless, I'd say I'd been mired into numerous things which I reckon have become part of life now. Another post some time would help me vent out these thoughts. For this article I'd begin to cut to the chase. I've been on the move for over a decade now and the genesis of this post comes from my different abodes I've resided at, opportunities I've had to meet people, work, exchange greetings among many others. I oft hear from people how much they love their so and so town and would never leave it for air, weather, for surroundings, for opportunities and other countless yet unfathomable things. How can they be so awfully stubborn of one place and ignore to visit other places? Let's look at few things. Folks from Bombay say they can't move to another city, they love scrumptious food from street vendors. Folks from Indore are crazy about its small ...