
Showing posts from July, 2015

Make India, before - make In India

With all fanfare BJP government has launched a vivid, futuristic campaign to boost economy, strengthen the much tottering infrastructure of  developing Indian nation. The motive of this program is as clear as the name goes, to bring in the investment, thrive on the manufacturing units. PM with its forte of marketing has publicized this at the full throttle. Evidently, this has definitely gathered attention from masses, not to mention praises of new initiatives. I daresay, these are the vital measures to be taken if we wish uplift the financial domain, and to keep the sentiments high in stock market. However, I, to some extent do not concur to this highly talked campaign and its salient points, statistics, which might have kept many geeks on toes. To make In India, government and people first and foremost should Make India. Government may have forgotten these crucial things, before marching toward a highly ambitious goal:- Transport: With ever exploding population of In...